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Transforming Road Safety In Africa – Trans-safe

Introduction of TRANS-SAFE project

Road traffic injury death rates are high in Africa. There is an urgent need to implement safety solutions. The EU-funded TRANS-SAFE project aims to maximize the impact of these solutions by bringing road safety agencies and experts from Europe and Africa to drive policy actions. TRANS-SAFE Project will involve national, regional and city level demonstrations to test different types of innovative and integrated safe systems solutions complemented by a comprehensive toolbox, capacity development and a policy support and replication activities. The project will ensure the road conditions meet the recommendations of the Road Safety Cluster of the African-EU Transport Task Force (2020). The consortium members are highly experienced and knowledgeable in Africa-related research. Overall, the project will help deliver on the Joint EU-Africa Strategy and advance countries’ progress towards the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals


The good practices and learnings from the demonstrations will feed into the TRANS-SAFE toolbox and capacity-building program, which will be institutionalized in universities that will act as regional capacity-building hubs. This will also inform policy dialogue and processes at local, national, regional, African and global levels while generating a repository for trainings, policy recommendations and local implementation action. Proposed actions build on existing African priorities to increase the chance of sustainable success, avoid paternalism and maximize the value of resources we secure.Transsafe focuses on the safe system that includes : safe vehicles, safe speed, safe roads, post crash care and safe road users and these are being piloted into 4 demo cities which are Kigali, Cape Town, Kumasi as well as Lusaka.

The project is divided into 7 work packages (WP):

WP1: in-depth investigation into road accidents

WP2: promotion of the safe system approach

WP3: road safety assessment and management

WP4: safe system demonstration pilots

WP5: evaluation and assessment

WP6: Capacity building

WP7: Communication and dissemination


HPR focuses to deliver for WP3&4 and 7.

Development of Route to School (R2S) education platform in Kigali

This demo aims to apply the existing R2S application in Kigali as an educational tool, utilize already collected pilot data from R2S app deployment to develop Rwandan context-specific curriculum content relative to the student journeys, and test alternative implementation strategies. There is potential for student feedback to inspire a program of low-cost interventions that help make the environment safer in Kigali. This education platform was tested in five schools in Kigali namely; Apade Lycee de Kicukiro, lycee NotreDame de Citeau, lycee de Kigali, and University of Rwanda College of Science and Technology Y1 students in the Department of Transport Engineering in partnership with the university of Hasselt. The pilot aimed to improve the traffic insight of school children where the survey had different modules composed of pictures from Kigali, Nyamata, and Muyumbu. The modules used Charlie as the model name and comprise sections on how Charlie should react in traffic in Kigali and other municipalities. what Charlie should know in traffic in Kigali and other municipalities, what Charlie should see in traffic in Kigali and other municipalities, and where Charlie should look in traffic in Kigali and other municipalities.

Project updates 

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